I know I know, very broad title and what the heck could this be about ( I haven't said heck since the 5th grade...weird) but I am going to make a valid point I promise. May of you I have a job I'm guessing and most of you seniors more likely than not work in retail. Do you ever have to fix something 65,000 times because customers mess your display up? Granted I understand they are shopping but seeing it done is just very, very annoying. But I get past that and move on since its my job. Except yesterday I ran into an interesting problem. A co-worker of mine was unpackaging jewlery and I was going to take over for her. She just finished the necklaces had about two more to go and a bunch of earrings still to do. She had the necklaces all nice and straight so they wouldnt get tangled. I moved that box so that they wouldn't get messed up because that was a lot of hard work she put in. a few hours later I happened to look down at this box and notice all of the necklaces were intertwined. WHO DID THAT? Who in their right mind picked up ALL of the 3 different kinds of necklaces up at the same time? They were in a huge knot and then it became my job and a different co-worker of mine's job to pull them all out and fix them. When my shift was over we weren't even halfway done so I felt so bad leaving her with it to finish. I really wish customers had some courtesy towards the things we have to do for our store but I guess they will stop at nothing.
If people even think about reaching over the counter at subway, I tend to get in the "ask questions later" state of mind. So I can't really relate to this problem...
I totally know how you feel. Customers can be really rude sometimes and management expects us to smile and keep working. I had a lady today who tried to tell me that toys were an additional 50% off. Well I know for a fact (because I've been back to the toy section) that the sign says "Up To 50% Off". So I called a manager for her because customers don't think we know what we're doing. Of course the manager said nope, it's up to 50%. Lady still didn't believe me. She ended up walking away saying "I know what I read". bitch...haha that's what i said (to myself)
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