Profe love.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snowy Day Memories

I love the first snow of the season. I love how crisp and clean the air is, the way it smells outside and the pure clean look the snow seems to give everything it touches. Considering it is now February I know this isn't the first snow of the season, but it is so pretty to see everything not covered in that dirty, disgusting, brown mush anymore. I've been catching myself staring out my window being mesmorized by the snow several times now, but I found that as I'm watching the snow fall (on this lovely day off from school) my mind drifts towards simpler times when snow meant exciting fun. I've always thought snow had sort of a magical aspect to it and as I am remembering these moments in my life when I was in the snow, I realized just how magical it is.
There was this one time, Anne Marie and I used to call it the blizzard of '96 or something, where I remember going outside atleast 50 times with my sister because we wanted to play in the snow. We had several failed attempts at making igloos with the recycling bins, snowmen in any spot imaginable, snow castles out of the swing set in the backyard, and this one wicked sweet snow tunnel we made that actually worked and you slid on your belly like a penguin through it. Another time we made an ENORMOUS snowball, like that of the base of a snowman but way bigger, and just kept sliding over top of it. Many an afternoon were also spent on my grandparents hill sledding until we couldn't feel our faces. There was also the time I broke my wrist in the icy driveway, but it was worth surfing down I swear. So many enjoyable memories were made on days just like today. I hope that spirited youth, that child inside each and everyone of us is, not lost on a day like today.

1 comment:

MemphisKell said...

Is that the Romeo and Juliet slide?