Profe love.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Mark Roberts if you still have your blog, I advise you not to read this post because I'm going to complain about cramps and you are not going to like it. I have the worst cramps in the history of the world this weekend. No joke, I've never had it this bad. I had to work Saturday and that was just like asking for death with the whole, I don't get a break and I must stand for 3 hours and 45 minutes. Let me tell you the medicine didn't last long AT ALL. Then when I went to bed last night, thinking oh I'm going to just be able to sleep this off because I started having lower back pain too I'm sure you ladies know what I'm talking about.
Let's cut to 4 AM. I wake up to... you guessed it... cramps. I HAVE NEVER WOKEN UP BECAUSE OF CRAMPS. I about rolled over and died. I had to get up, and go get meds. Like I wanted to really get up at that hour. Needless to say I found my mom had MIDOL in her room while I'm popping the CVS brand CRAP. Mom, thanks for holding out on me. Ugh, anyway cramps suck and I wish guys could get their period to seriously just know what its like for once.

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