Profe love.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Day in the Life of Cleo

I have written about Cleo before, this devious little animal. She is my pet, cat if you will or felis domesticus for you bio folk. Many of you may wonder what in the world your pets do while your gone... I am going to give you some theories, test them at your own risk.
Upon coming home early I went looking for my cat because well sometimes I love her, sometimes. She was sleeping on my sisters bed. You see this is theory number one my cat just sleeps all day. ALL DAY. This is not a joke, want to know why? Because she was surprised to see me when I walked into the room to greet her. She knows it wasn't time for me to be there yet and she was pissed to see me there so early, like I ruined something. What Cleo did I interrupt some more of your plotting to take over my bed or rip my comforter? Sorry that I may have disrupted your 6,009th nap of th day.
Next theory is the reason I must close my bedroom door before I leave in the morning. There is a tiny hamster in my room (which I prefer over said cat at times but don't tell her) and Cleo will eat it. Well I mean she hasn't yet but her will power is strong when she wants something especially if its food. She has knocked over the cage many a time and I don't know how that tiny thing hasn't died of a heart attack yet. I think Cleo plots ways to try and get into my room and eat that thing for breakfast. Too bad you don't have opposable thumbs Cleo, Humans one Felines zip.
One of the final things I think she does is play with things she isn't supposed to. For instance headphones to my MP3 (that she broke I may add) which she thinks are alive, that idiot. Maybe she attempts guitar hero sometimes and thats why the calibration was off. Either way Cleo, if your reading this because somehow you gained enough brain power to know how to use a computer back off my stuff and start being normal. Much love.


Brian M. Shaver said...

Lol. Liza. I loved it. Just earlier i was reading Stephen Colbert's I Am America (And So Can You) and he talked about his childhood pet of 14 years leaving him to go to a farm. And he wrote to it, in the book, saying if its reading this or if its new owner is reading it. i got a nice chuckle outa it.

I generally don't like cats... the only 2 cats i like are jon friends cat.. and my aunts. Other then that its dogs all the way.

I know iv mentioned him before but Maverick is the best pet ever. Best friend. Best dog. i just love em to death. And im pretty sure he just sleeps all day. Because sometimes hes so out of it, when i come home i find him on the couch and hes asleep and his feet are twitching because hes like running in his dream... i flippin love it :P

-Brian Shaver

(America Love it or Leave it)

Anne MUH-ree! said...

haha lets not forget about cleo's cabin fever. she looked like she had been electrocuted today what a hoe! haha i completely simpathize
Most times i come home and penelope is whoring it up on my bed. Like NO BYE YOU ARE A HUGE DOG GET OFF<3 haha love her

MemphisKell said...

OMG! Liza, I had a Siamese cat when I was in grade school. On the weekend that it was my turn to bring home the class hamster, I learned that cats eat hamsters. My cat picked up the hamster and ran away with it. OMG! I was traumatized. I don't prefer cats any more. Maybe this incident is why. I think this is one of those buried memories that people pay therapists tons of money to uncover, but all I had to do was read your blog. Thanks for saving me money and for helping me to understand why I stay away from cats these days.

adampav said...

ya i dont think my cats move from the moment i leave the house to the moment i go back to bed...its like they only move to get food or whenever they hear you opening up kitty nip (cat crack). Other wise they're quite lame