Profe love.

Friday, February 8, 2008


I find that support is something people need almost everyday. It is a way of reassuring someone that it's okay to be themselves, or that you believe in them. This is definitely something people need, for instance the other day I bought my Mom a cupcake. Now this was not any ordinary cupcake, it was a black bottomed chocolate cupcake from Starbucks. (If you haven't had one, GO GET ONE!) But the thing is, I knew she was having a bad day, so I tried to show her I was thinking about her and that I was behind her all the way. Needless to say she's been talking about the cupcake ever since, seriously they are that good.


Brian M. Shaver said...

liza u are such an amazing blogger omg -.-

MemphisKell said...

Cupcakes are pure goodness.